Questions To Ask Yourself If You Routinely Get Foot Blisters

Questions To Ask Yourself If You Routinely Get Foot Blisters

3 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

A foot blister can make it challenging to walk, which could force you to cancel any number of activities in which you'd be spending a significant portion of the time on your feet. While developing the odd blister usually isn't anything to concern you, it's an issue if you're repeatedly dealing with blisters. A podiatrist can help, but you don't necessarily need to visit this foot care expert if you get a blister. To help you decide whether professional intervention is necessary, it's helpful to ask yourself these questions.

Do I Know The Cause?

Blisters are generally more of a concern if you're unsure of how they developed. If you think about a blister's potential cause and you're able to easily assess why it grew, you can take steps to prevent it from worsening or happening again. For example, if you were at a friend's cottage and forgot your sandals, so you were repeatedly wearing a pair of his or her old sandals that didn't fit well, this may be an evident reason for your blister to have developed. Blisters commonly grow when something is rubbing on your skin repeatedly, and poorly fitting footwear is a common culprit.

Can I Treat The Issue Myself?

In many cases, you'll be able to notice a decrease in the size of your blister if you simply eliminate the behavior that caused it. This is why identifying the cause of the problem is so important. In the above scenario, ceasing to wear the ill-fitting sandals should prevent the blister from growing in size, and while it won't disappear immediately, you should begin to see a reduction in the size, swelling, and even the discomfort of the blister once you've eliminated the cause. A small bandage can also protect the surface of the blister and prevent it from rubbing and causing you pain.

Is The Blister Infected?

An infection isn't something that you want to ignore. Infections are especially common if the blister has burst or if you've popped it — doing so can allow bacteria inside the blister and an infection can soon occur. You'll be able to tell if an infection is present if the area around the blister is red, swollen, and painful. Sometimes, you'll also see pus around the blister or perhaps that has stuck to the inside of your sock. Schedule an appointment with a podiatrist at a location like the Mid Nebraska Foot Clinic right away if an infection is present, or if you're unsure of how to proceed with any blister-related issue.

About Me
Understanding Podiatry Concerns

After I started focusing more and more on my overall health, I realized that there were a few challenges I was up against. For starters, I realized that I needed to take better care of my feet, since they had been causing me problems for quite some time. It was pretty nerve-wracking to go do the doctor at first, but before I knew it, I was able to get in, have my feet inspected, and start getting fitted for orthotics that would help. I wanted to create a blog all about understanding podiatry concerns, so that other people could make positive changes too.
